Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Contact Number, Contact Details

Published date: August 28, 2021
Unique Id of VO/NGOSK/2017/0167711

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Registration Details

Registered WithSub-Registrar
Type of NGOTrust (Non-Government)
Registration NoBookIV, Vol I Item 64, 2010
Copy of Registration CertificateAvailable
Copy of Pan CardAvailable
Act nameIncome Tax Act 1961
City of RegistrationGangtok
State of RegistrationSIKKIM
Date of Registration08-06-2010

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Members

Kunzang ChungyalpaGeneral SecretaryAvailableAvailable
Hishey DomaMemberAvailableAvailable
Karma G ChungyalpaTreasurerAvailableAvailable

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Sector/ Key Issues

Key IssuesArt & Culture
Operational Area-StatesSIKKIM
Operational Area-DistrictSIKKIM->East District

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust FCRA details

FCRA AvailableFCRA Registration no.
Not AvailableNot Available

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Details of Achievements

Not Available

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Source of Funds

Department NameSourceFinacial YearAmount SanctionedPurpose
Not SpecifiedAny Other2014-2015Not SpecifiedNo Government grant was approved in the fiscal year 2014 - 2015. Received in March 2014 the Trust received Rs. 10 lakhs as 1st allotment of Rs. 20 lakhs approved by the Ministry of Culture for construction of a hostel facility for Khachoed Pema Woeling Ani Gompa. Balance Rs. 10 lakhs was received in January 2016. Most of the expenses of the Khachoed Pema Woeling Nunnery is met through private sponsors and through offerings received for various puja.
Ministry of CultureCentral2014-20152000000No new allocation was made in 2014-15 fiscal year. However, Trust received Rs. 10 lakhs as first allocation of the Rs. 20 lakhs approved in 2013-14 fiscal year for the construction of a hostel for the nuns of Khachoed Pema Woeling Ani Gompa. Balance Rs. 10 lakhs was received in January 2016. Funding for the Khachoed Pema Woeling nunnery comes most from local sponsors and from offerings for puja conducted by the nunnery.
Ministry of CultureCentral2014-20152000000No new allocation was made in 2014-15 fiscal year. However, Trust received Rs. 10 lakhs as first allocation of the Rs. 20 lakhs approved in 2013-14 fiscal year for the construction of a hostel for the nuns of Khachoed Pema Woeling Ani Gompa. Balance Rs. 10 lakhs was received in January 2016. Funding for the Khachoed Pema Woeling nunnery comes most from local sponsors and from offerings for puja conducted by the nunnery.
Ministry of CultureCentral2014-20152000000No new allocation was made in 2014-15 fiscal year. However, Trust received Rs. 10 lakhs as first allocation of the Rs. 20 lakhs approved in 2013-14 fiscal year for the construction of a hostel for the nuns of Khachoed Pema Woeling Ani Gompa. Balance Rs. 10 lakhs was received in January 2016. Funding for the Khachoed Pema Woeling nunnery comes most from local sponsors and from offerings for puja conducted by the nunnery.
Ministry of CultureCentral2015-20162000000Remaining Rs. 10 lakhs of the original Rs. 20 lakh allocation in 2013-14 fiscal year was received in January 2016. Total expenditure for the year was over Rs. 63 lakhs of which 59 lakhs was for the hostel construction. At the same the construction of a meditation retreat center also started. Aside from the Ministry of Culture grant, all the funding was from local sponsors.
Ministry of CultureCentral2016-20171200000Rs. 6 lakhs was received in March 17 as 1st tranche of the Rs. 12 lakhs approved for fiscal year 2016-17. Renovations work required in the kitchen, bathrooms have recently started after the monsoon rains. Training in English language and computer have also commenced. A Khenpo is also providing Buddhist philosophy education and meditation training to the nuns. Training in meditation is crucial for spiritual advancement of the nuns.
Ministry of CultureCentral2017-2018Not SpecifiedNo fresh grant was approved or released during 2017-18 fiscal year. Education and training of nuns and renovation work initiated in 2017 were continued. Major renovation work carried out during the period included repair of 45 windows and 7 doors, conversion of basement rooms into kitchen and a dining room. Some furniture for the dining rooms were also made. In addition to the project expenditure, a little over Rs. 7 lakhs went towards completion of the Retreat Centre.
Ministry of CultureCentral2018-2019Not SpecifiedAll the project activities were completed during the fiscal year. A major delay in implementation of this relatively small project was due to insufficient funds for purchase of a Bolero vehicle for the project. This was finally done in Feb. 2019 with borrowing from other sources. Other major project activities included the renovation of a meditation hall, purchase of a basic lap top and furniture for meditation room. Release of balance Rs. 6 lakhs sanctioned by MOC is now awaited.
Ministry of CultureCentral2019-20201808000Project just starting implementaiton

Khachoed Pema Woeling Trust Contact Details

AddressKesangee Building Chungyal Complex M.G. Marg Gangtok, Sikkim 737101
TelephoneNot Available
Mobile No9609872866
Website UrlNot Available
E-mail[email protected]

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